Volume 12, Issue 1 (6-2017)                   bjcp 2017, 12(1): 3-18 | Back to browse issues page

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1- tabriz university , setayeshi_m@yahoo.com
2- tabriz university
Abstract:   (5569 Views)

One of the most important factors affecting interpersonal problems is early childhood experiences with parents. These experiences play an important role in developing attachment. The present study was undertaken to investigate the mediating role of interpersonal cognitive distortions in the relationship between attachment styles and interpersonal problems. A total of 214 participants completed the Collins and Read attachment style (RASS), interpersonal cognitive distortions scale (ICDS), and interpersonal problems scale (IIP-32). Structural equation modeling (SEM) and Bootstrap tests were conducted to examine direct and indirect pathways of the study’s model, respectively. The results of the study showed that attachment styles and interpersonal problems are antecedents and consequences of interpersonal cognitive distortions, respectively, in students. The results also indicated that interpersonal cognitive distortions play a significant mediating role on the relationship between attachment styles and interpersonal problems (CFI= .95, GFI= .94, NFI= .9, RMSEA= .058). Furthermore, the findings of this study revealed that attachment styles and interpersonal cognitive distortions play a role in students’ interpersonal problems. A fit model was tested and used to explain students’ interpersonal problems.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2016/07/25 | Revised: 2018/06/22 | Accepted: 2018/05/11 | Published: 2018/06/3

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