1- Institute fro Cognitive Science Studies , aziz.alizadeh@gmail.com
2- Institute for Cognitive Science Studies, Tehran
3- Institute for Cognitive & Brain Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University
4- Senior Statistician at Larix, AIXIAL/ALTEN Group, Copenhagen, Denmark
Abstract: (3762 Views)
The aim of this research was to study two-sided message’s effects on persuasiveness of anti-drug messages by computational modeling method. This is done in order to get more effective and more persuasive messages. Persuasiveness of messages is measured be perceived argument strength as indicated by an audience. In this research, according to previous research, a method for measuring perceived argument strength was developed. Then three types of messages with three different arguments and frames was used and two types of two sided messages (Anti/Pro and Pro/Anti) and one type of single-side message was examined. The messages were displayed to the audience through on-line questionnaires. The audience consisted of 10 persons with drug abusing experiences and 36 persons without any drug related experiences. In the questionnaires, the audience was asked how effective the messages had been on them and their close friends. The comparison of means and standard deviations was done for the three types of messages which ranked according to their perceived argument strengths by the two groups (with/without drug experiences) of audiences. In order to offer a model of the effects of factors other than types of message and drug experience, mixed effects models were run on the data. Results showed that two-sided messages are more persuasive than one-sided messages and two-sided messages with anti/pro frames are most effective messages to audiences with or without drug abusing experiences. In this type of messages, if the first side of the message is consistent with the audience’s beliefs, then it will act like a mental anchor and increases the effectiveness of the message.
Article number: 1
Type of Study:
Research |
Special Received: 2019/02/23 | Revised: 2022/03/29 | Accepted: 2022/01/19 | Published: 2022/02/7
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